Amit Kumar

team member

Physics Tutor
Amit is a Ph.D. student in Physics at the City University of New York. He received a major in Engineering Physics from Delhi Technological University in 2019. He went on to earn a master’s degree in Physics from Hunter College, CUNY while pursuing his doctorate degree.

He has over two years of hands-on, successful teaching experience at Hunter, Queens College, and College of Staten Island. He has taught both lecture and lab courses, which enables him to connect theoretical knowledge with real-world experiments. Moreover, he held office hours to give one on one help and feedback to his students.

As a tutor at Cohen Math Prep, Amit supplements his instruction with resources outside the textbook, such as YouTube videos and simulations, to make concepts more engaging for his students. He has experience working effectively with virtual technology, including Zoom and Google Classroom.

In his spare time, Amit enjoys playing and watching soccer.