
At Cohen Math Prep, we believe that the most effective advertising are the praises of a satisfied customer. We are a business almost exclusively on word-of-mouth referrals among friends and neighbors. As a way of saying thank you, we like to reward our past and present clients with gift cards for any referral that leads to a session with one of our tutors.

  • Hi Rob,

    I just wanted to let you know that after three sessions with you Jules got a 95 on his trigonometry final! He was thrilled and needless to say your help made the difference.

    I think you were able to clarify concepts in a way that he could grasp and helped him identify the importance of slowing down and being more careful and thoughtful. Thank you so much. Talk to you soon.

    -Joyce M. (parent of a student at Stuyvesant)

  • Rob is amazing to work with. He has been working with my daughter for 4 years now. When he first started working with her she was doing terrible in math. Within the first year, she was quickly getting As on her tests and scored above a 4.0 on her state math tests three years in a row. It’s not just that Rob taught her how to do the math, but through his encouragement, her “I can’t do it” attitude was changed to a “can do” attitude. I have recommended Rob to countless other people and everyone reports back the same experience. Rather than pay the absurd prices that the SHSAT vendors charge to prepare for this test, I will have her work with Rob and be sure to report back next year on the results!

    -Roberta G. (parent of a student at NEST+m)

  • Rob has been working with both my kids (10th grade and 7th grade). Math has always been very difficult for the 10th grader but easy for the 7th grader. He has a very good understanding of how to teach to both learning abilities. Both kids had a grade raise (from C to B and from B to an A) in 2015. Great JOB !

    -Roya S. (parent of a student at Brooklyn Tech)

  • Rob is patient, flexible, kind, and always a pleasure for my son to work with. He knows all of the material, and can explain the process in many ways to be sure its understood. Most importantly, Rob makes it enjoyable to learn. I highly recommend him for any tutoring and test prep!

    -Sam B. (parent of a student at BASIS Independent)

  • I can’t recommend Rob highly enough. He is the most patient, intelligent, knowledgeable, pleasant, prompt, engaging, interesting tutor we have ever worked with. After he got my artistic, creative, not at all interested in math daughter through difficult HS algebra and music theory classes with flying colors, I wanted her to take another math class just so we could keep working with him! (She declined.) Rob also found us an amazing HS English tutor for my son, who is perfect in every way as well, and second only to Rob in my opinion!

    -Joni H. (parent of a student at Beacon High School)

  • Rob Cohen tutored my 6th grader when he transitioned to a new citywide gifted and talented school that had an accelerated math program with a very challenging teacher. Rob came to our home weekly to work with my son over an academic year. He helped keep my son on track and ahead of the coursework. My son really enjoyed working with Rob who has a great personality, was very supportive and made math fun. Rob was always punctual and was always easily accessible by email and phone. He also worked with my 5th grader this year to prepare for the ELA exam. I have recommended Rob to many friends without hesitation. He is terrific.

    -Nicole P. (parent of a student at NEST+m)

  • Rob has been our son’s math tutor for 2 years now for his 6th and 7th grade years in school. Rob is kind, patient, funny and super smart. He has a great way with children and makes learning both easy and interesting. He is the reason our son has done as well as he has these last 2 years. He explains things so clearly and effortlessly. He pushes our son when he needs to and our son totally responds. He knows his strengths and weaknesses and tailors his sessions around that. We wouldn’t have survived the middle school years without his help!

    -Katy W. (parent of a student at NEST+m)

  • Rob Cohen was a great tutor to my 12-year-old daughter. She made excellent progress in math during her time with Rob. In fact, math has become her favorite subject!

    She also learned some valuable math test-taking skills from Rob and subsequently performed very well on several standardized tests.

    Rob was always punctual, considerate, and patient. I can recommend him highly!

    -Jeff G. (Professor at New York University)

  • Hey Rob,

    Just wanted to let you know I ROCKED the math section of the GRE (at least by my standards): 670! That’s 60 points better than I did on the SAT and about 170 higher than I thought I’d get.

    Soooo big thanks to you for all your great help. My dad says thanks, too. Seriously, he told me to thank you πŸ™‚

    [Anonymous], who’d rather not have the world knowing their GRE scores

  • Rob tutored my 5th grade son for most of this school year. We were looking for math enrichment he was not getting through school. Rob taught him advanced middle school math once a week.

    My son loved studying with Rob and we enjoyed his relaxed and pleasant teaching style. He is an excellent and experienced teacher and I would recommend him as a tutor for anyone who needs help or wants to progress faster.

    -Lara Z. (doctor)

  • Our daughter was struggling with math, and we desperately needed some help. Rob was instrumental in helping her understand and fill in the blanks that her teachers couldn’t.

    Now we are back on track and she no longer requires additional classes in school. Not only is she scoring higher on tests, but she actually likes completing her math homeworks!

    Thank you Rob! If we ever need more help, we won’t hesitate to reach out to you!

    -Sylvia S. (parent of a 3rd grader at P.S. 110)

  • Rob is an articulate math teacher. He is kind and does not rush me about getting things right the first time. When I get a wrong answer, he helps me find what I did wrong and how to fix it. He shows me how I can be sure I don’t make the same mistake again.

    -Naomi (8th grader at Baruch Middle School)

  • Guess what?!?

    I got a 4.18 on the math test!! πŸ˜€ Thank you so much for helping me get ready for the test, I don’t think I would have done so well without you. My parents are planning on hiring you again for fifth grade, and if so I look forward to seeing you again.

    Margaux πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€ (student atΒ  Lower Lab)

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