Remote Tutoring

Although Cohen Math Prep was primarily conceived of as a door-to-door tutoring service in NYC, we offered remote lessons as far back as 2014 (at a time when most people called it “Skype-ing” and had no knowledge of a West Coast startup called Zoom). When COVID-19 forced everyone onto their screens we perfected the art of remote teaching to the point where we largely discontinued in-person lessons thereafter.

Tutors operating out of their home offices are able to enhance lessons with an apt reference to a book or file that they have at their fingertips, which would otherwise never have made its way into their traveling backpacks. An even more obvious benefit to virtual tutoring is the increased ease of scheduling (and re-scheduling), about which tutors and parents alike have remarked.

Without geographical restrictions, remote tutoring allows us to maintain an even more talented team of educators with a wider range of experience than ever before. It has also enabled us to work with students not only across the country but also around the world. When possible and when desired, in-person tutoring at the following service areas can be arranged at a higher rate. Contact us for more details.

Streamlining the Remote Experience

At Cohen Math Prep we utilize the latest in information technologies in order to make the remote tutoring experience as seamless as possible. By employing a combination of screen sharing, interactive shared white board apps, writing tablets, and various online learning tools, we are able to augment distance learning in a way that doesn’t feel so distant. We also use traditional white boards during demonstrations to maintain as much of the human element as possible.

Yet another strategy that makes the online tutoring experience a little more frictionless is simply ensuring that our tutors have the same editions of the texts our students are using so that we are literally on the same page.

While Zoom has proven to be the most consistent and reliable of the various video conferencing platforms, we have experience with other alternatives such as Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime, Meet, WhatsApp, and Discord. Still, we recommend Zoom if at all possible.

Contact us for rates and availability.