COVID-19 and Tutoring in the 2020/21 School Year

Out of a dual concern for the health and safety of both Cohen Math Prep tutors and clients, we will be continuing to offer lessons almost exclusively through remote video conferencing platforms (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Hangouts, etc.) through the 2020/2021 school year. Even before the public health crisis, Cohen Math Prep offered remote lessons over Skype. What was once only offered as an occasional alternative to parents  seeking more scheduling flexibility completely replaced our way of doing business, starting with the lock-down orders in March of 2020. Tutors and students alike learned how to navigate this different educational landscape in real time, and by now we believe we have streamlined the process. 5 months since our last in-person lessons, we have even come to see benefits to tutoring online.

We also acknowledge that every learner is different and that the shift away from in-person meetings has been more difficult for some students than others. For those potential clients of students with needs that cannot be met online, we are willing to carefully consider requests for in-person lessons in well-ventilated spaces on a case-by-base basis.

As is always the case throughout history, the challenges of new times are met with innovative solutions: enter today’s “learning pods”. Cohen Math Prep applauds this creative compromise to what was previously framed as an either-or decision between isolating digital learning and potentially dangerous school attendance. While many families are still weighing the pros and cons of these two extremes, others have joined forces with friends and neighbors to form limited social pods for their children to play and learn in.

We have seen the growing demands for teachers of these newly-formed pods on social media, and we are eager to help mitigate what could otherwise turn into a year’s loss of educational momentum. Again, we are happy to provide our expertise to any families seeking learning pod tutors, provided that certain safety precautions are taken into account out of mutual concern for the tutor and tutees.

Please contact us now to discuss tutoring during the COVID-era!